As you probably know, this year’s International Catholic Stewardship Conference (September 28–October 9) will be all virtual. This offers some exciting opportunities for parishes, schools and other Catholic organizations, including:
- Reduced registration fees and NO travel costs means that parishes and schools who could not afford to participate under normal circumstances can now afford to attend.
- Flexible scheduling spread over two weeks instead of four days means that participants can block out times when they can attend. In addition, sessions will be available to paid registrants AFTER the Conference officially ends.
- Sessions are designed—first and foremost—to address the spirituality of stewardship, but there will also be sessions that provide much-needed information about helping Catholic organizations address COVID-related funding challenges.
I urge you to check-out the ICSC website ( for more detailed information and then share this information with all who may be interested. This is a great resource that we should all be taking advantage of. As noted in the attached flyer, there are some special incentives for registering now.
Once again, thank you for your service to the Church. As always, please let me know how I can help you.