Welcome to the Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy Virtual Library

Welcome to the Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy Virtual Library

Dear Good Steward Reader,

I am extremely pleased to share with you a truly remarkable resource–The Archbishop Murphy Virtual Library.

Seattle Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy was the principle architect of the American bishops’ 1992 pastoral letter, Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response. The Virtual Library gathers together his writings, video presentations and much more. I strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with this collection–and with the charismatic man whose passion for stewardship as a way of life continues to inspire Christian disciples of all ages.

I was privileged to teach with the Archbishop in the International Catholic Stewardship Council’s Summer Institute and in special presentations at seminaries throughout the United States. I am thrilled to know that thanks to the archbishop’s nephew and the high school that bears his name Archbishop Murphy’s teaching, and the witness of his life, can now be experienced by everyone.



Welcome to the Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy Virtual Library

Good afternoon. I hope all is well with you. Well, after more than two years of work where Murphy’s Law often felt like it ruled the day, I have now completed the development of this project.
So, on what would have been my uncle’s 82nd birthday, we have opened the doors of the Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy Virtual Library. 
Click on the attached link to go to the main page of the library.
The Virtual Library consists of the the following components:
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Interactive timeline of Archbishop Murphy’s life from the time his parents arrived in America until the time of this death – including links to many of his written works and 32 video vignettes
  • Interactive version of Archbishop Murphy’s coat of arms
  • Online Archive containing more than 900 of Archbishop Murphy’s written works
I hope you find this as moving as I did. It is an amazingly rich and in-depth tribute to an extraordinary man.

Thank you for all of your support and assistance. I sincerely appreciate it. Please feel free to forward this communication on to any and all parties. We are trying to generate as much awareness as possible.


Brian J. Murphy

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