Congratulations to Cardinal-designate Joseph W. Tobin

Congratulations to Cardinal-designate Joseph W. Tobin

Catholics in Indiana and throughout the U.S. were surprised by the news that Pope Francis has appointed Indianapolis Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R. to the College of Cardinals. Included among those who were surprised by this papal appointment was the archbishop himself. Immediately after learning the news via social media, the archbishop told family and friends that he was “shocked beyond words by the decision of the Holy Father,” and he immediately requested everyone’s prayers.

In his first official communication, Cardinal-designate Tobin affirmed that he will continue as Archbishop of Indianapolis. That was a great relief to many people who wondered if the new cardinal would return to Rome or receive an assignment in a larger diocese. The cardinal-designate also spoke of his deep love for the people of his archdiocese and his “numerous friendships” with civic and religious leaders in the Hoosier state.

The Most Reverend Joseph W. Tobin was appointed Archbishop of Indianapolis by Pope Benedict XVI on October 18, 2012. He succeeded Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein who had resigned for reasons of health. Archbishop Buechlein once observed that the new archbishop and the new pope (Francis) are “cut from the same cloth.” Both are pastoral leaders who care deeply about the people they have been called to serve and both see the Church as a loving and merciful mother who goes out of her way to help all who are in need.

When Cardinal-designate Tobin first came to Indiana after spending many years as a missionary priest for the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists), he expressed his profound appreciation for the warm Hoosier welcome he received throughout the state. “Hoosier hospitality is not just a PR slogan,” the newly appointed archbishop said. “It’s the real thing!” The warm Hoosier welcome the cardinal-designate received four years ago has been reaffirmed many times over as the archbishop has travelled the state of Indiana.

Never before has the Archdiocese of Indianapolis been led by a bishop who was also a member of the College of Cardinals. (Archbishop Joseph E. Ritter, a New Albany Indiana native, became a cardinal after he left this archdiocese and was serving as Archbishop of St. Louis.) As a result, the honor of this appointment is shared by all Catholics in central and southern Indiana and by all the people of Indiana.

With this honor comes serious responsibility. Pope Francis has made it very clear that cardinals are not to consider themselves “princes of the Church” or some other form of privileged class. Cardinals are, above all else, servants of the People of God responsible for electing a new pope and assisting the current pope in his pastoral responsibilities. They are called to be witnesses to the person of Jesus Christ. They are never to pamper themselves or regard themselves as somehow better than the people they serve.

If humility is a requirement for membership in the College of Cardinals, as Pope Francis insists it is, then the Holy Father has made an excellent choice. If witnessing to Gospel joy, is something cardinals are expected to do, then we know Cardinal-designate Tobin is well-qualified for this new assignment. And if the pope is looking for an honest man who will speak his mind as he advises him on matters of the greatest importance, then we can assure Pope Francis that he has made a wise choice entrusting Cardinal-designate Joseph W. Tobin with this enormous responsibility.

The Archdiocese of Indianapolis shares both the honor and the serious responsibility of this historic appointment. Catholics in central and southern Indiana are called—now more than ever—to support their archbishop, to pray for him and to encourage him when times are tough. Hoosier Catholics are also called to renew and strengthen their efforts to build up the Body of Christ here in Indiana and to prove that this archdiocese is truly worthy of the great love that the cardinal-elect feels for his people and their communities.

Cardinal-designate Tobin describes himself as a “Redemptorist Missionary and Roman Catholic Archbishop of Indianapolis.” Both roles have prepared him well to serve as a member of the College of Cardinals. As a missionary, he has traveled the globe and witnessed first-hand the joys and struggles of people everywhere. As an archbishop, he has demonstrated his gifts as a man of prayer, a teacher and evangelist, and a minister of charity.

Congratulations to you, Cardinal-designate Tobin. May Jesus Christ our Redeemer, and his Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, sustain you in your service to our pope and the Universal Church. May the intercession of the great missionary saints, Francis Xavier and Mother Theodore Guerin, patrons of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, encourage you in this historic new responsibility!




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